The cumulative value of shares repurchased amounts more than NTD300 million
- Date the cumulative number of shares repurchased in the current repurchase accounted for 2 percent or more of the shares issued by the company or the cumulative value of shares repurchased amounted to NT$300 million or more:2018/06/04
- Number of shares repurchased this time:5,373,000 shares
- Type of shares repurchased this time:common stock
- Total monetary amount of shares repurchased this time:NTD74,886,777
- Average repurchase price per share this time:NTD13.94
- Cumulative number of own shares held during the repurchase period:121,419,000 shares
- Ratio of cumulative number of own shares held during the repurchase period to the total number of the Company’s issued shares:1.03
- Any other matters that need to be specified:N/A