China Market

China Market

ProductTSR 20
Product SymbolNR
Contract Size10 metric tons/lot
Price QuotationYuan (RMB) /metric ton(no tax or duty included in the quotation)

Minimum Price 


5 Yuan (RMB)/metric ton
Daily Price Limits≦ previous daily settlement ±5%
Delivery MonthsJanuary, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December
Trading Hours9:00-11:30 a.m.
1:30-3:00 p.m. (the Beijing Time), and other trading hours as prescribed by the Exchange
Last Trading Day

The 15th day of the delivery month (postponed accordingly if it is a national holiday or


The Shanghai International Energy Exchange is entitled to adjust the last trading day in accordance with the national holidays or weekends.)
Delivery PeriodFive (5) consecutive trading days after the last trading day

Grades and 

Quality Specifications

Refer to Appendix for detailed quality standards (INE website)
Delivery VenuesDelivery Storage Facilities designated by the Shanghai International Energy Exchange
Minimum Trading Margin7% of contract value (or adjusted by INE/clearing members)
Settlement TypePhysical delivery

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